TToT – Short and Sweet

November 15, 2014 Off By Lisa

Well, I had grand plans of being ready to go with this post on Friday afternoon.

Don’t know what happened.

Yes, I do. I’ve been denying that I’m having an RA flare for about three days now. I’m moving slowly. I just need to make up my mind to acknowledge it and get through it.

While I’m doing that, I’ll leave you with a short and sweet list of thankfuls for the week.

This first one I’m not sure about…am I thankful? One morning this week as we approached the school building, Zilla asked if she could go up the sidewalk by herself. I was confused. “We’re on the sidewalk right now,” I said. “What do you mean?” She meant stop at the corner where I pick her up and let her cross the little side street with the crossing guard/traffic cop dad and go up the last part of the walk to the building herself. Usually we cross together. What was this about? Ditched already?

But I let her go because I have to. And she’s safe, of course. Most parents stop at the corner, say goodbye, and let the kids go across with the crossing/traffic dad. So for the rest of the week, that’s what we did, too.

So I guess I’m thankful that she’s growing up (but I hate it). I’m thankful that she feels confident and happy enough to skip off into the school on her own. I’m also terribly thankful that she still slips that little hand into mine and holds on tight while we walk across the parking lot and up to the corner. And I’m thankful that she turns around to make sure I’m watching and give me a wave before she disappears through the door.


I’m thankful that on the first day she did it, I could call my Mom and the Hub right away and tell them. They both said “don’t take it personally.” I wasn’t really…I just wasn’t prepared for it! The Hub said she ditched him at some point last year when he was the dropoff guy, too. And given the fact that I’m 44 and calling her to cry about my kid ditching me, I’m pretty sure my Mom survived her first ditching and lived to tell the tale.

Kidzilla had a really good week in school. One of her teachers shared a story about her behaving beautifully in an interaction with another student. She has her new glasses and she loves them, which makes this all so much easier. All of her classmates thought they were cool and told her they make her look “even smarter.” Her teacher helped out and Zilla noticed that she and her teacher are the only girls in the class with glasses. Cool.


I’m thankful for some beautiful falls days this week. I grabbed the tree photo in this post at church on Sunday afternoon – gorgeous! Zilla and I were standing right under it. And I’ll be a sport and say I’m thankful for the first snow. I do hate winter. But I’m trying to find the positive. Snow sure does soften the edges of the world and make it look pretty.

But I’m still thankful for hot coffee, herbal tea, two different homemade soups, warm blankets, and a functional heating system to take away the chill of these first very cold days.

I’m so thankful for long snuggles with Kidzilla and a girls-only night on Friday while the Fab Hub was out at a gig. I’m thankful that the hub is willing to grab a gig here and there because it allows him to keep playing a bit, gives us girls some alone time, and certainly helps in the finance department a little as well.

I’m thankful that the Hub understands that with RA my body doesn’t always do what I want it to and he’s always willing to help take over a chore or an errand run. And I’m thankful that he understands that when my body craps out on me it makes me more than a little cranky because I hate when that happens. This afternoon I needed help getting down the last three steps in our hallway. I asked for the Hub’s help because there is no handrail there (why not???). He said, “I’ll always be your handrail.” Right about the part where he’s driving me so crazy I can’t stand it, he does stuff like that.

I’m thankful that I didn’t send Rotten Cat One packing to a new home this week, even if he is a pain in my tuchus. I suppose I’d be sad if I had actually made good on that threat and I know Kidzilla would be heartbroken. He’s been fairly well-behaved and over-affectionate for several days. I suspect he’s trying to ingratiate himself again.


I’m thankful to the BFF for some unofficial medical advice this morning because that’s what friends do – swap symptoms, Google diagnose, and reassure one another that it isn’t something fatal.

And maybe my biggest one for the day…I am incredibly thankful to the Super Sister today for chauffeuring me and Kidzilla to a kid birthday party because my knee felt like crap and I wasn’t comfortable driving. Not only did she shuttle us without notice or complaint, but she stayed with me for the party! That is far above and beyond the scope of Godmother or Aunt duties so she gets a gold star. And food. There should always be food.

That’s it for me. Now it’s your turn – share your moments of thankfulness here or link up!


Ten Things of Thankful