#10Thankful – Are We There Yet?

June 3, 2016 Off By Lisa

I am so ready for this school year to be over.

I kind of thought when I left the classroom that I wouldn’t feel so stressed about this time of year.  I figured without final exams, end-of-the-year textbook collections, and the rest of the things teachers have to do in June, I’d have no worries. I was wrong. Know why? My second-grader decided she was done and over it two weeks ago where school is concerned. That’s why. So here I am, Distracto-Mom, trying to get Distracto-Kid to the finish line when, frankly, I’m kind of done and over second grade, too. I feel like the kid in the back seat of the car on a long trip: Are we there yet? But when you’re the one who has to drive and you feel that way? Even worse.


Let’s get on with it already…

I think that’s probably a good sign, though, despite the angst and drama of pushing pulling fighting dragging through this end. We’re ready to move on, get a fresh perspective and a new routine. It’s time to see what’s next.

So let’s talk about all things new and fresh this week, shall we?

First up this week, I am so very excited that we are finally going to replace the carpet on our two stairways. We did the rest of the house two summers ago and the hardwood is beautiful. We did not do hardwood on the stairs, though, because that is just a prohibitively large and expensive project. But the carpets on the stairs are now ten years, two adults, three cats, and and one kid old. They are ugly and dirty and disgusting. (Life lesson learned: When choosing carpet for your new home, do not go with the construction tan that comes standard with the home. Big mistake. Huge.) We’ve picked the new carpet, had the measurements taken, and are now waiting for the actual price quote and installation date. The first Rotten Cat that even looks at that carpet is going to be in big trouble. Carpet is off limits, boys. No scratching. No peeing. No puking. Do you hear me?



Speaking of Rottens, I guess I need a little hypo-grat item here. I love/hate them. I do. But Cat One has reverted to drooling and spitting out his stupid laxative every day and Cat Three randomly came at me with paws a-blazing last night. Was he mad that I tried to move him off my head while I was trying to sleep? Or did he think we were playing? No idea. Cat Two continues to make a nuisance of himself daily by sitting right on either my arms or my keyboard when I’m trying to work. So, you know, thanks for making me feel needed, guys, but seriously? Cut the crap.


Next, I’m thankful for a new-to-us car. The kind of long and not very interesting story is that we car-swapped with the Hub’s parents. So I’m now driving a Mom Mobile (snappy little crossover thing), the hub is driving our black sedan, my beloved Batmobile, and his little white scooty-scoot has been relegated to a tinkering project for my Father-in-Law. Everybody is happy. Zilla and I are much happier with the Mom car for transporting her and all of her gear for swimming and karate and such. All three of us love it for space and comfort on day trips. And the Hub is not driving something that threatens to fall apart under his tush. Win. But I have to admit it’s kind of hard to feel cool in the suburban parent machine…not that I was ever cool to begin with, but you know, in case I wanted to start.

I’m pretty thankful for the very elegant waiting room at the new dealership where I passed a lovely hour waiting for the Mom Mobile to be inspected. Nicest service department waiting area ever. I mean, just look at this… They have a coffee bar, huuuuge couches and benches with tabletops to work on, magazines and TV, decent music piped in on the sound system, kiddie playroom, nice decor…it’s nicer than my living room. If it was an extended wait, I would’ve stretched out on that sofa and had myself a nap. But the inspection took less than an hour and no nap was necessary. So I left there pretty happy.





I’m always thankful for our daughter, our Kidzilla, but this week I am once again amazed by her enormous little brain. The other night she spent longer than usual for a trip to the powder room, so I called to her and asked if she was OK.

“Yes, I’m fine,” was the response. Then silence.

When I was a kid, I got into a lot of trouble destroying bathrooms. Ask my cousin. We used to spray water on the walls and flush Old Spice deodorant lids down the toilet, just to see what would happen. So it’s understandable that I’m suspicious of extended bathroom trips. But back to my story…

“Zilla, what exactly are you doing in there? It’s pretty long even for a poop session, you know.”

It’s a completely legit question. First, see above. Second, Zilla tends to spend time in the bathroom doing non-bathroom things. Like stand-up comedy or dance routines in front of the mirror. Or getting toothpaste everywhere. Or finger painting the mirror. Or pulling medicine cabinets off the wall. (Yes, that happened last week and we are very thankful that she did not A) kill herself, B) break the mirror and cut herself, or C) completely ruin the wall.) Or climbing up on the counter to see her feet in the mirror. (Yes, that also happened but it was like four years ago and I still haven’t told my Mother, so shhh…)

“I know. I’m doing a crossword puzzle.”

Seriously? She’s about to turn eight – a crossword puzzle? So today I saw the crossword puzzle book and decided to check. Sure enough, she had filled in a few of the answers in the puzzle I’ve been working on. Granted, they were not correct. But she did fill in words with the right number of letters, one per box, and the answers she supplied were not so far-fetched. For example, one clue was “huff and puff.” The answer was “pant” but Zilla had filled in “blow.” Totally viable. There were three or four other similar examples. So it seems my kid has the crossword puzzle gene – the one passed from my Grandmother to my Mom to me and now, apparently, to Zilla. I love it.


New sneaks and hiking boots for me and for Zilla – we were both way overdue. We now have very happy feet.

Zilla has provided us with several other amazing moments this week. And funny. She had us speechless from laughter more than once this week. She is just a delight. When she’s not driving us out of our minds, that is.

I’m glad the school year is almost over and we can get on to summer. Zilla and I have great plans for the summer; we’re hoping to have the first of our kid books ready to shop for a publisher by the time she goes back to school. We’re very excited about this project. It’s something to do together that, I hope, will turn out to be a success we can share. (And by success I mean pay for her college education.) And if it doesn’t? Well, we will still have the shared experience to hang on to.

I’m very thankful for my Hub’s patience. The man is a saint, really. He must be in order to be married to me because I’m kind of a pain in the ass. And this week I have been cranky and miserable and highly emotional. I suppose it’s partly stress, but I didn’t quite realize I was stressed until maybe yesterday. Anyway, he has been hugely tolerant and patient and kind with me all week even though I’ve been everything completely opposite of those things. And he makes great coffee before he leaves in the morning. And he complimented my hair a bunch this week. Winning.

I’m thankful that this horrible creature has not attacked and killed me yet. He’s been giving me the stank eye all morning. But I will admit that he has provided much entertainment over on my personal Facebook page, so there’s that. Thanks to my aunt for torturing me with spider memes. And (an update) to my Hub for removing the spider before I came home this evening. My hero.


Hey, look at the time! I’m ready to go this week, it’s not even noon yet on Friday, and I didn’t need to dance for the virgins. Go me.


Your turn – what are you thankful for this week? Have you started your summer break yet? What are your summer plans? How do you handle huge and very likely poisonous spiders in your work area? You know the drill – share ’em or link ’em! And don’t forget to check out the other posts in the link-up this weekend. 


Ten Things of Thankful
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