

May 11, 2017 Off By Lisa

The relentless beep beep beep of the monitor had taunted Tom for hours now; it was more than he could bear. He buried his face in his hands attempting to hide from the truth, but the cold blue light from the screens found him like a searchlight in the dark room.

How did we end up here?  

He wanted to shake her – hard – and shout in her face until she heard him and shouted back, though he knew from experience it would do no good. She never heard him.

He pressed his hands over his ears against the now steady sound of the monitor alarm as she slipped into the silent, dreamless sleep of those who will not return, certain he would hear her voice in his dreams forever.


Join us at Ivy Walker‘s blog for Six Sentences Stories.

Each week writers are challenged to spin a tale in six sentences – no more, no less. This week’s cue is SHAKE.

Click on the link right here to read some great stories and poems and share your own!