If I Were a Crayon…

January 21, 2016 Off By Lisa

Today Kidzilla makes her guest post writing debut on the blog.

I asked her to help me out with the prompt for this week’s Finish the Sentence Friday post because I was stumped. She’s a budding little writer and, even better, she knows how to edit herself, which she did before she let me post this. What follows is completely her story, from the mouth of babes, as they say, accompanied by her own illustration. I served only as transcriptionist. 


If I were a crayon, my color would be blue. I would be colored with to death because a lot of people use blue to color things like the sky, shirts and pants, all sorts of clothing, water, and the blue part in rainbows and the screens of technology.


I am a boy crayon and I live in a library in the children’s section. There are other crayons, too. Like pink, brown, black, red, green, purple, orange, yellow, gray, and white. We are used by very sweet little boys and girls to draw, color, and create beautiful and wonderful pictures. We are also used for doing fun reading activities that the librarians think of for children to do before they leave while they check books out like creating your own superhero, and making wanted signs for the mean characters in the stories.

Alright, back to me. My name is Mike. Mike the Blue Crayon. Yup, that’s me. Coloring really hurts and I am very dull because I am used a lot. It hurts me because the littler children color with me so hard and rough that I’m so dull and all my crayon gets used on the paper and not left on me and I’m not as sharp as my other fellow crayons.  I am really stubby.


You know, it’s because I am used for like A. LOT. of things. I really love my life even though it hurts when I color with the kids.  Life in the library is really nice. A lot of the other crayons that are shades but like specific shades of those colors are stubby, too, like neon red, pea green, maroon, red-orange, and tan. But I am the stubbiest of them all.  I am used quite a few times in every picture.

I would like to be a professional painter that only uses the color blue. I am thinking about getting a set of my own crayons! And I am also thinking about getting a blue dog for a pet! His name would be Bluie. I want blue sky cupcakes on my birthday every year.

I love my life!!

The End.

(c) AAL 2016


This has been a Finish the Sentence Friday prompt.

This week’s sentence is “If I were a crayon…”
Our host, as always, is Kristi Campbell of Finding Ninee, and our co-host this week is Alyssa Serben from Babies, Bloodhounds and Booze, Oh My!
