Six Sentence Stories – Take My Hand

February 26, 2016 Off By Lisa

“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.”

He sat in the pew, staring, listening, recalling those words read from the pulpit on his own wedding day, his bride standing next to him in the same spot where the young couple stood now. The priest had forgotten the “kiss your bride” part; when they finally did, she squeezed his hand and nothing else mattered.





They gave her to him first as her mother clung dangerously to the edge in the delivery room. He held her fast against his chest and felt her tiny hand squeeze his finger as if to comfort him, his eyes brimming with tears as his heart beat out a chaotic mix of joy and fear and overwhelming love…she would hold his heart forever.




Now he felt his wife reach over and squeeze his hand as tears filled his eyes, and his heart once again beat with a mix of so many emotions…joy, fear, and yes, overwhelming love.

“Hold on to him tight, Baby Girl,” he whispered, as the newlyweds left the church hand in hand.


This has been a Six Sentence Story.

Six Sentence

Each week, the lovely and talented Ivy Walker hosts a link-up challenging writers to spin a tale in six sentences – no more, no less. Click on the link right here to find out more and link your own post. While you’re there, click on the blue frog button to find more stories from some wonderful storytellers.

This week’s prompt was CLEAVE.