Six Sentence Stories – Waiting

March 3, 2016 Off By Lisa

The post would be late again today.

There was no way to know this for certain, of course, except for the fact that the post was always late. Susannah’s daddy always said a man could set his pocket watch by the lateness of the stagecoach that brought the mail, if a man had a pocket watch to set, that is; but Susannah’s daddy didn’t have a pocket watch, nor much of anything else and so their family lived a very simple life.




Simple but happy, daddy always said because the one thing they were never short on was love, which is why Susannah knew right away that she would be happy with Thomas and why she said yes when he asked her to be his wife just before he and his brothers walked out of town to fight in the war.

“It’s important enough,” he told her, “to be part of this and to make things right in the world for others before we can make a life that’s right for us but I want to know that you’ll be right here reading my letters and waiting to be my bride when I come walking down this road again.”

Thomas was a man of his word and she could be just as brave as he could, and so she’ll stand on the steps outside the merchantile day after day, with the late afternoon sun warming the back of her head while she watches far down the road, waiting for the letter she has no idea will never come.


This has been a Six Sentence Story.

Six Sentence

Each week, the lovely and talented Ivy Walker hosts a link-up challenging writers to spin a tale in six sentences – no more, no less. Click on the link right here to find out more and link your own post. While you’re there, click on the blue frog button to find more stories from some wonderful storytellers.

This week’s prompt was POST.