Tag: change

Breaking Radio Silence

I know. It’s been quiet here for a while – a long while. Nearly silent, in fact. I didn’t intend to go anywhere. I just…did. I said to someone last night that when I take a break from my writing, it tends to happen without my knowledge or my consent. This is exactly true and…

By Lisa September 13, 2017 Off

Some Exciting News

Hello, friends! I know, it’s been a while. I’ve been busy with a hundred things this summer – truly – and I promise I’ll be back in this space regularly very soon. For the time being, I’m excited to tell you that I have joined the team over at Open Thought Vortex Magazine as Author…

By Lisa August 11, 2017 Off

Balanced Perspective

Hello, friends, and happy July to you! I’ve spent some unplanned time away from this space lately. It’s only been about two weeks, but it feels like much longer than that. My absence here has not been for any particular reason other than just being about the business – and busyness – of life. The last…

By Lisa July 10, 2017 Off

Finding My Summer Groove

Summer is here. We’re only five days in by the calendar, but around here it’s been summer for nearly three weeks since Zilla’s school year finished in the first week of June. It’s nice to be finished with packing school bags and lunches, scrambling for clean uniform parts, dealing with homework assignments and projects and…

By Lisa June 26, 2017 Off


It’s hard to believe that the end of the school year is upon us. I’ve written before that I see September and back-to-school time as my “new year.” It is the time we make the transition from the long, lazy days of summer to the comfort and familiarity that comes with the routine of school days.…

By Lisa June 4, 2017 Off

Room to Breathe

It is difficult to write about blessings in the midst of tragedy. I’ve fought with with my words for this piece and three others all morning, searching for a way to reconcile the half-written drafts with the fresh feelings of sadness that have taken residence in my heart this morning after news of the suspected terrorist…

By Lisa May 23, 2017 Off

Start With Thankfulness

How often do you think, “I don’t know where to start…”? I find myself there often. I am very good at over-planning and under-estimating how long it will actually take to execute my plans. It’s something I know about myself, and even though I work to strike a more reasonable balance, I’m still learning. My…

By Lisa May 8, 2017 Off

We Contain Multitudes – Open Thought Vortex

When you consider the word heritage, what comes to mind? Ancestry research and registries? Family photographs? Cultural traditions? For me, heritage is about more than where we came from or the people who lived before us. Heritage is about who we were yesterday…who we are right now…and who we are yet to become. It is about…

By Lisa May 3, 2017 Off

TToT – The Calm Before

I can’t believe I’m writing this late on a Tuesday afternoon. When I started this post, we were definitely in the calm before the storm early Monday morning. Now? Well, 36 hours later we have about fourteen inches of snow outside, the Rottens are sleeping by the window, and the Hub and Zilla finally got their…

By Lisa March 14, 2017 Off