Tag: kindness

Why I Can’t Tell You My #1000Speak Topic

I have so many things to say about compassion. And yet I can’t speak. I am stunned at the response to the 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion initiative and am so excited to be a part of it. And yet, since we launched the effort about a month ago I haven’t had much to say…

By Lisa February 12, 2015 Off

TToT – The Dance of the SGV

I need to go lie down. Seriously. I was on my way out the door to Zilla’s school to volunteer in the library today and all of a sudden…sick. Blah. Not the best way to start off a list of thankfuls, is it? But let’s go with that for a second.

By Lisa February 6, 2015 Off

What We Saw at the Hot Dog Joint

If you’re looking for the Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop post, click here! I had a terrible craving for a hot dog this week. While any hot dog probably would have done the trick, I figure it’s best to go with the tried and true in a case like this. Since we were out running errands…

By Lisa July 23, 2014 Off