Tag: patience

Once Upon a Time in Third Grade…

She could peg a kid just behind the ear with a stub of chalk from fifty paces. If you misbehaved in her classroom, she knew it before you even thought about doing it and stopped you dead in your potentially insubordinate tracks.  Like dogs smell fear, she could smell a kid attempting to engage in…

By Lisa August 30, 2012 Off

Supermarket Goodies

As promised, today I bring you tales from the supermarket. Grocery shopping is not really all that entertaining, I suppose, but it’s something we all have to do eventually. I try to make it as bearable as possible.  And while I suspect that nobody really wants to know about our grocery shopping efforts or product…

By Lisa August 28, 2012 Off

Thoughts on Dreams

I admit it: I am one of those English majors who will “think for food,” as the joke goes.  I will read and think about pretty much anything you throw at me.  If there is food involved in the process, more the better. When I think about life, my thoughts nearly always turn to words for…

By Lisa August 8, 2012 Off

Thoughts on Patience

Tonight, I was halfheartedly poking around looking at quotes and short pieces on patience – because I’m not feeling very patient right now.  Not with anything.  Not with the pizza guy or the Rotten Cats or the weather.  Not with myself or the people around me, not with the circumstances in life that we’ve been…

By Lisa July 30, 2012 Off