Two Days of Rest – #10Thankful
Sunday evening again. My least favorite time to write a TToT post. Why, then, does it seem that I’m always doing mine on Sunday evening? I thought I might skip this week because I have been sick. The yearly mandatory bout with bronchitis. I tried not to let it get away from me. But it…
In Which I Tell You I’m About to Disappear – #10Thankful
This is going to be tremendously short. First, let me say that I most definitely do not enjoy writing my TToT posts on Sunday evenings. If I’m here on a Sunday evening with fingers to keys, it means either A) I had a hard time figuring out what to put on my list, B) I…
A Sense of Home – #10Thankful
I’ve been thinking a lot about home lately. Kristi’s Finish the Sentence Friday prompt this week was “when it comes to home…” So, naturally, I spent time thinking about the idea of home. And while I procrastinated pondered, I took a look at the things I had saved for my #10Thankful post last this week. Many were simple…
#10Thankful – Cycles and Seasons
If one thing is certain in life, it is cycles. Seasons come and go, night turns surely to morning, and years pass more quickly than we might hope. It’s hard not to see this time of year as an end. It is the end of summer, the end of sleeping in and staying up late,…
The Fallow Period
Words do not always come easily. Precious few words found their way to this space over the last several months – a mere dozen posts since the first of June, and none of them in August. It’s been a strange and wonderful period in which my mind has been filled with words and ideas, but my published…
#10Thankful – Standing in Motion
I believe I am standing in motion. I worked on a thousand things all week, produced results, and yet I somehow feel as though I have accomplished little because none of my projects can be moved to the “finished” list. But maybe finished does not always equal successful (or vice versa) and just being in process is quite a good thing…
#10Thankful – Another Year Older
So my blog and I both had birthdays this week. My blog is four years old. Imagine that. And me? Well, I’m four and then some. Birthdays have a way of prompting retrospection, don’t they. At least for me. I often find myself reflective around birthdays – take time to consider where I’ve been, where…
#10Thankful – Sharks and Such
I have to be totally honest here. I do not like writing my #10Thankful post on a Sunday evening. And yet, here I am again doing just that. *sigh* So while I am very thankful for so many things, I’m feeling a bit petulant about the whole thing because, well, I would much rather have…
#10Thankful – Are We There Yet?
I am so ready for this school year to be over. I kind of thought when I left the classroom that I wouldn’t feel so stressed about this time of year. I figured without final exams, end-of-the-year textbook collections, and the rest of the things teachers have to do in June, I’d have no worries. I was wrong. Know…
TToT – Long Weekends
Here we are at the weekend again and, as is usual of late, it’s nearly over before I get my TToT in. It’s a fine thing, I suppose, because the only reason for my tardiness is that we’re out living, doing, and enjoying this very long weekend – five days for us. That’s not even…