The Complicated Process of Writing and Living

August 23, 2012 Off By Lisa

My first reaction to Mama Kat’s writing prompts this week was, “Oh, I definitely have to do the one about what complicates my life because that’s easy.”

Fab Hub raised his eyebrows and looked at me over the top of his glasses like He does.  This look usually means one of two things:

  1.  He is doubtfully and/or cautiously curious about what I have just said, in which case he will say something like, “Really? How so?” or “Really?  And why is that?”
  2. I am doing something ridiculously goofy or endearingly annoying.  In this case he will say, “Hon.  Really?”

And so he spoke:

“Really?  And why is that?”

I know he was expecting me to say something about how He complicates my life.  (Well, He does, but in the best possible way.  That’s another story.)

Me:  “It’s easy because the thing that most complicates my life is me.  My Self.”

FH:  “You.  You complicate your life?

Me:  “Yeah.  Come on, you know I get in my own way all the time.”


So then I started thinking…

I could write about all the ways that I complicate my own life, but some of it might spin just a little too much toward the side of personal.  And then I started thinking that divulging the ways in which I complicate my own life will probably make anybody who reads the post think I am completely out of my mind.

Sigh.  What are the other prompts?  Writing process – write about your writing process.  OK, I can do that.  Wait.  I don’t have a process.  My writing process is like an anti-process.  Sometimes I draft, sometimes I whip something out off the top of my head.  Other days I get an idea, let it fester in my brain for a few days, do some mental work on it and then sit down to write it out.  Sometimes I stick a draft on the shelf for a long time and go back to it several times, editing and revising endlessly.  Sometimes I just get an idea and twenty minutes of stream-of-consciousness later I hit the publish button.

So I started thinking…

If I put up a post about my writing process – or lack thereof – anybody who reads the post will probably think I have no business writing anything for public viewing.  Writers have a process, not a whirlwind romance with a half-baked idea and a keyboard.

Sigh.  Let me look at those other prompts…  I knew it!  I was right the first time!  I have to write about how I am the thing that most complicates my life because it’s completely true!  Don’t believe me?  Just read this post again and see the Master at Work.

So here’s the truth.  Most of the complications I encounter in my day are the result of my own over-thinking process.  I can over-think just about anything, regardless of the size of the issue.  I prefer to look at it as creative problem solving, covering all my bases, or making sure all my little ducks are lined up in a happy little row.

And what if one of them gets out of line? Or another turns out to be an alligator and not a duck after all?  Well, either I’ll kick him right back into place or chase him around for a little while first.  Or maybe I’ll just let him be an alligator today.

Either way, the job gets done.  Nobody goes hungry.  Nobody leaves the house naked.  So what if the overall process is a little bit messy?  Life is messy.  Life is a work in progress – a draft that can always be revised and shaped.  The best part of writing happens in the re-writing, in the process.

So do the best parts of life.


Thanks to Mama Kat for this week’s writing prompts!  Click on the box and check out some more great posts on her site!

Mama’s Losin’ It