TToT – Glad to be Alive!

February 7, 2014 Off By Lisa

As you may be able to tell from the title, I’ve had a couple of near-miss moments this week.

So first and foremost, let me say that I am extremely thankful that the FIVE times this week someone in another car on the road nearly hit me in my car (yes, five) the result was a scary near-miss and not an actual crash. These include a bus, a bus, a tractor trailer, a car and a car. Not. Fun. These were great reminders of why I really just hate driving.

I am certain that I get to ice skate past the Guard Virgins (because it’s icy…what else would I do?) and invoke the powers designated in subsection 42.e. that say when you almost die five times, you get to count it as five individual items of thankfulness OR one big huge item of thankfulness and still only need five more to have a full week.

Should I note here that in four of the five cases the cause was blatant stupidity on the part of the driver of the other vehicle and in the last case it was stupidity of a global nature? Just saying. People really need to think about driving. It’s an active process, not a passive expenditure of your time.


What else…

After spending a few months with what has been by far the cutest haircut I’ve ever had, I decided that I just miss having hair long enough to toss up in a mess or a ponytail when the need arises. Especially when it’s hot out. So I’ve been growing it back out again and it’s finally long enough to put up without much ado. Barely, but it’s a positive milestone.

Kidzilla’s had only three days of school this week (thank you, snow and ice) but all three were great days in terms of behavior and focus, so that’s a great win.

A couple of long-overdue projects are in the works. It’s not by any stretch a totally de-cluttered or fully organized home, but we’re plodding a long little by little. Which always turns out to be a lot. We didn’t get cluttered and disorganized overnight and we aren’t going to get de-cluttered and organized that way, either!

I had a great salad for lunch today. I haven’t had a kale salad for lunch in forever. It felt really good to have that today.

I have a soup of the week plan ready for tomorrow and ingredients on hand. PLUS I have at least two more soups on deck and ready to be given the AOK. (Thanks to Sarah for one of them!) I also have a menu plan on the kitchen calendar for this week, some of which will flow into next week. That’s a good feeling – we do much better around here in the evening when we don’t have to spend an hour or two debating the meal choice.

And on that note, I have a pizza guy to call. Because everybody needs a little takeout pizza on a Friday night every now and then.  Happy weekend, everybody, and I hope your week has been full of great moments! Share them with some comment love or link ’em up!



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