TToT – Hope

November 22, 2015 Off By Lisa

I’ve been thinking a lot about hope and faith lately.

There are so many hardships in the world, so many heartaches close to home and far away. No matter who we are or how we hurt, we all need something to cling to, something to keep us moving forward when it feels like we can’t possibly take another step. We need to hold fast to hope – hope that we are making the right choices, hope that there is something better ahead, hope that there is some purpose to the suffering and hardships we face in life.


“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all –

How do we define hope? For me, hope comes in the form of family and friends who stand by me to celebrate my joys and to comfort my sorrows. It wears the face of my Daughter, who loves without reserve and believes I am the best at everything I do, and of my Husband, who is my undying support. It is my Mother who hears my fears and frustrations, who picks me up when I fall, puts me back on my feet and sends me off again. It is the people in my life.

seagull-768785_1920And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard –
And sore must be the storm –
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm –

And hope comes in tangible form, in the comforts and achievements of our days. Hope is a warm and comfortable home filled with love, a cupboard that holds enough food. Hope is getting enough sleep. It is things like work and play and exercise. It is the gift of words that flow freely and putting those words to good use. Hope is good health.


I’ve heard it in the chillest land –
And on the strangest Sea –
Yet – never – in Extremity,
It asked a crumb – of me.*

Hope is finding something to be thankful for in every day, no matter how small, how simple, or how seemingly insignificant. Hope is expectation, desire, and trust. Hope is necessary for joy. Hope is something for which I am greatly thankful.

*“Hope” is the thing with feathers – by Emily Dickinson


What are you thankful for today? What gives you hope? 

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from the rest of the co-hosts and participants!

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